Alex today spoke to the Defence Women's Network about her 'why'.
The story behind Bee Sober being founded was truly heartbreaking in places and funny in others. Alex spoke from the heart and our audience was in awe of her honesty coupled with humour.
All organisations need to engage with Alex, the subject was not 'rammed' down peoples faces and no one was made to feel awkward it was honest information to allow people to think and make informed decisions. Alex told warts and all about her journey from childhood to the present day, it helped with the context of her why, it helped people realise it's not just them and it allowed people to know help is available.
I would love to carry on this partnership as there are so many different angles to this conversation that would be of benefit to our colleagues across not only defence but the U.K. Civil Service and our industry partners and having an organisation the Defence Women's Network can trust and appreciate is imperative.
Alex is infectious and a true inspiration, her journey is quite remarkable and I would urge all organisations to get in touch, you never know, like we didn't, who is struggling or in need of help until you open the conversation. Alex was really supportive of those on our virtual event that shared their own personal struggles, it takes someone who is strong, compassionate and who has lived experience to do that.
Don't delay reach out to Bee Sober and make a difference - it only takes one person to realise they need help for your event to be a success.
Alex, I can't thank you enough for giving up your time to talk to us today, I look forward to developing our partnership, you are amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.