Guest AmbassadorBee Sober Ambassador

Guest Ambassador


Guest Ambassadors

Find a brunch near You

Meet up with your local hive each month for coffee, brunch and a catch up. These will take place on the last Saturday of each month at 10:30am local time at various venues.

Locations will be added and changed each month.

Each meet up purposely has a maximum of only 10 spaces available, this is to keep them really safe and intimate and of course so we can hear each other chat, it’s going to be a great opportunity to meet people who just get it and we cannot flipping wait to meet you. Bee Sober is about connection and friendship, we know first-hand how meeting likeminded people can make all the difference, we also know how nerve wracking it can be so we have made it as easy as possible to join us. Everyone welcome - Just Bee Sober on the Day.

All our ambassadors are also fully DBS checked for your safety. Simply click on the link to book and look out for further announcements from individual ambassadors.

Please note, our events are for over 18s only.

We are a non-profit community and are asking for a £1 donation to secure your place. This donation is so gratefully received and will contribute to the Bee Sober Community Pot.

Bee Brave, Bee Kind, Bee Sober

Book Your Spot