Heidi YoungBee Sober Ambassador

Heidi Young


Hi, I'm Heidi. I live in a sleepy little village in the North East of England and have one daughter.

I started drinking at the age of 13 and my drinking got slowly but progressively worse well into my adulthood. My alcohol intake increased the more independent my daughter became and by my 30's I knew that I had a serious problem. I tried so many different ways to quit alone and even attended local alcohol services and online meetings. It wasn't until I joined Bee Sober that I was able to get and stay sober.

The support that I have received by being a member of Bee Sober is impossible to measure, people have laughed with me, picked me up when I was down and talked me down from a craving more times than I can count. The zooms are such a blessing, everyone is just so friendly and you can come as you are and talk about everything and anything. There is no judgement, just a bunch of lush people who are helping to build each other up and lend a shoulder during the highs and lows of life.

I absolutely love my sober life and really want to help others to experience how wonderful sobriety really can be! I had no idea that sobriety would be so incredible and my life is just so much richer, more joyous and calm. My relationships are better than I ever imagined that they could be and I am so grateful that I get to live my life now free of addiction. xx